H3CR-A8E DC12-48V Rơ le thời gian Omron

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H3CR-A8E DC12-48V Rơ le thời gian Omron

    • Loại -chân
    • Nguồn cấp: AC/DC 24-48
    • Ngõ ra rơle DPDT
    • Chế độ hoạt động:

    B:Flicker OFF start
    B2:Flicker ON start
    C:Signal ON/OFF-delay
    D:Signal OFF-delay
    G:Signal ON/OFF-delay (chỉ cho H3CR-A-300)
    J:One-shot (chỉ cho H3CR-A-300)

    • Nhiều thang đo: 0.05s ~ 300h
    • Tiêu chuẩn: UL, CSA, EN

Thông tin đặt hàng chi tiết

11-pin Models

Output Supply voltage Input type Time range Operating mode *2 Model *1
Contact 100 to 240 VAC (50/60 Hz)/
100 to 125 VDC
0.05 s to 300 h Eight multi-modes:
A, B, B2, C, D, E, G, J
24 to 48 VAC (50/60 Hz)/
12 to 48 VDC
100 to 240 VAC (50/60 Hz)/
100 to 125 VDC
Voltage input Eight multi-modes:
A, B, B2, C, D, E, G, J
24 to 48 VAC (50/60 Hz)/
12 to 48 VDC
100 to 240 VAC (50/60 Hz)/
100 to 125 VDC
0.1 s to 600 h H3CR-A-301
24 to 48 VAC (50/60 Hz)/
12 to 48 VDC
24 to 48 VAC (50/60 Hz)/
12 to 48 VDC
0.05 s to 300 h H3CR-AS

8-pin Models

Output Supply voltage Input type Time range Operating mode *2 Model *1
Contact 100 to 240 VAC (50/60 Hz)/
100 to 125 VDC
0.05 s to 300 h Five multi-modes:
A, B, B2, E, J
(Power supply start)
24 to 48 VAC (50/60 Hz)/
12 to 48 VDC
100 to 240 VAC (50/60 Hz)/
100 to 125 VDC
0.1 s to 600 h H3CR-A8-301
24 to 48 VAC (50/60 Hz)/
12 to 48 VDC
24 to 48 VAC (50/60 Hz)/
12 to 48 VDC
0.05 s to 300 h H3CR-A8S
Time-limit contact
and instantaneous
100 to 240 VAC (50/60 Hz)/
100 to 125 VDC
24 to 48 VAC/VDC (50/60 Hz)

Accessories (Order Separately)

Adapter, Protective Cover, Hold down Clip, Setting Ring and Panel Cover

Name/specifications Models
Flush Mounting Adapter Y92F-30
Y92F-73 *1
Y92F-74 *1
Protective Cover Y92A-48B *2
Hold-down Clip (Sold in sets of two) For PF085A Socket Y92H-8
For PL08 or PL11 Sockets Y92H-7
Setting Ring A Y92S-27 *3
Setting Ring B and C Y92S-28 *3
Panel Cover Light gray (5Y7/1) Y92P-48GL *4
Black (N1.5) Y92P-48GB *4
*1. The Y92A-48B Protective Cover and the Y92P-48G[] Panel Cover can not be used at the same time with the Y92F-73/
-74 Flush Mounting Adapter.
*2. The Y92A-48B Protective Cover is made from hard plastic. Remove the Protective Cover to change to set value. The
Y92F-73/-74 Flush Mounting Adapter and the Y92P-48G[] Panel Cover cannot be used at the same time with Y92A-
48B Protective Cover.
*3. The Y92S-27/-28 Setting Ring cannot be used alone. It must be used together with the Y92P-48G[] Panel Cover.
*4. The Y92A-48B Protective Cover and the Y92F-73/-74 Flush Mounting Adapter cannot be used at the same time with the
Y92P-48G[] Panel Cover.


Timer Round Sockets
Pin Connection Terminal Models
11-pin Front Connecting DIN track mounting P2CF-11
DIN track mounting (Finger-safe type) P2CF-11-E
Back Connecting Screw terminal P3GA-11
Solder terminal PL11
Wrapping terminal PL11-Q
PCB terminal PLE11-0
8-pin Front Connecting DIN track mounting P2CF-08
DIN track mounting (Finger-safe type) P2CF-08-E
DIN track mounting PF085A
Back Connecting Screw terminal P3G-08
Solder terminal PL08
Wrapping terminal PL08-Q
PCB terminal PLE08-0
Note: 1. The P2CF-[][]-E has a finger-protection structure. Round crimp terminals cannot be used. Use forked crimp
2. The P3GA-11 and P3G-08 Socket can be used together with the Y92A-48G Terminal Cover to implement finger
3. For details, refer to your OMRON website.

Terminal Cover

Application Model Remarks
For back connecting socket Y92A-48G For P3G-08 and P3GA-11


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