E3C-JC4P Cảm biến quang nhỏ Omron


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Cảm biến quang nhỏ Omron

Thin, Compact Head Saves Space and Mounts Closely. Built-in Interference Protection Provided

Input indicator on the Sensor Unit simplifies settings.


Sensor Units

Sensing method Application Appearance Sensing distance Model
(Emitter + Receiver)
Small type
423 lu 1 1
100 mm (Infrared light) E3C-S10 2M *1
Emitter E3C-S10L 2M
Receiver E3C-S10D 2M
423 lu 1 2
500 mm (Infrared light) E3C-S50 2M *1 *2
Emitter E3C-S50L 2M
Receiver E3C-S50D 2M
423 lu 1 3
1 m (Infrared light) E3C-1 2M *1
Emitter E3C-1L 2M
Receiver E3C-1D 2M
423 lu 1 4
2 m (Infrared light) E3C-2 2M *1
Emitter E3C-2L 2M
Receiver E3C-2D 2M
Slim type
423 lu 1 5
200 mm (Infrared light) E3C-S20W 2M
423 lu 1 6
300 mm (Infrared light) E3C-S30W 2M
423 lu 1 7
E3C-S30T 2M
Diffuse-reflective Small type
423 lu 1 8
100 mm (Infrared light) E3C-DS10 2M
Slim type
423 lu 1 9
50 mm (Infrared light) E3C-DS5W 2M
423 lu 1 10
100 mm (Infrared light) E3C-DS10T 2M
Convergent-reflective Small type
423 lu 1 11
30±3 mm (Red light) E3C-LS3R 2M
*1. Through-beam Sensors are normally sold in sets that include both the Emitter and Receiver.
*2. You cannot order the Emitter and Receiver with separate model numbers. Always order them together using the
model number for the set (E3C-S50 2M).

Amplifier Units

Power supply Application Appearance Functions Model
DC Slim type
423 lu 2 1
423 lu 2 2

Accessories (Order Separately)

Mounting Brackets

Appearance Model Quantity Remarks
423 lu 3 1
E39-L41 2 Provided with the E3C-1.
423 lu 3 2
E39-L42 2 Provided with the E3C-2.
Can be used with the E3C-DS10.
423 lu 3 3
E39-L127-T1 1 Can be used with the E3C-S10.
E39-L127-T2 1
E39-L127-T3 1
423 lu 3 4
E39-L31 1 * Can be used with the E3C-S50.

Note: Refer to E39-L/E39-S/E39-R for Dimensions.
* When using through-beam models, order one bracket for the Receiver and one for the Emitter.


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