F3SJ-A0245N20 Cảm biến màn an toàn Omron

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F3SJ-A0245N20 Cảm biến màn an toàn Omron

Three versions available to meet your exact safety needs. All versions conform to the latest PLe/Safety Category 4 and SIL3 requirements.


Main Units

Safety Light Curtain

Application Detection
Beam gap Operating range Protective height
PNP Output NPN Output
Finger protection Dia. 14 mm 9 mm 0.2 to 9 m 245 to 1,271 F3SJ-A[][][][]P14 *2 F3SJ-A[][][][]N14
Hand protection Dia. 20 mm 15 mm 0.2 to 9 m 245 to 1,505 F3SJ-A[][][][]P20 *2 F3SJ-A[][][][]N20
Hand/arm protection Dia. 30 mm 25 mm 0.2 to 9 m 245 to 1,620 F3SJ-A[][][][]P30 *1 F3SJ-A[][][][]N30
0.2 to 7 m 1,745 to 2,495
Leg/body protection,
presence detection
Dia. 55 mm 50 mm 0.2 to 9 m 270 to 1,570 F3SJ-A[][][][]P55 *1 F3SJ-A[][][][]N55
0.2 to 7 m 1,670 to 2,470
Note: Connection cables are not included in the products. You must purchase optional connector cable.
*1. Models with S-mark certification have an “-S” at the end of the model number.
Example: F3SJ-A0245P30-S
*2. The F3SJ-A-[][][][]-TS series with the suffix “-TS” are auto reset fixed models. Function settings using the setting
console F39-MC21 or PC tool F39-GWUM for F3SJ cannot be performed.
(Models with ditection capability 25 mm dia. are also available.)

Safety Light Curtain Model List

F3SJ-A14 Series (9 mm gap)

Model Number
(mm) *
PNP Output NPN Output
F3SJ-A0245P14 F3SJ-A0245N14 26 245
F3SJ-A0263P14 F3SJ-A0263N14 28 263
F3SJ-A0299P14 F3SJ-A0299N14 32 299
F3SJ-A0317P14 F3SJ-A0317N14 34 317
F3SJ-A0389P14 F3SJ-A0389N14 42 389
F3SJ-A0461P14 F3SJ-A0461N14 50 461
F3SJ-A0551P14 F3SJ-A0551N14 60 551
F3SJ-A0623P14 F3SJ-A0623N14 68 623
F3SJ-A0695P14 F3SJ-A0695N14 76 695
F3SJ-A0731P14 F3SJ-A0731N14 80 731
F3SJ-A0803P14 F3SJ-A0803N14 88 803
F3SJ-A0875P14 F3SJ-A0875N14 96 875
F3SJ-A0983P14 F3SJ-A0983N14 108 983
F3SJ-A1055P14 F3SJ-A1055N14 116 1,055
F3SJ-A1127P14 F3SJ-A1127N14 124 1,127
F3SJ-A1199P14 F3SJ-A1199N14 132 1,199
F3SJ-A1271P14 F3SJ-A1271N14 140 1,271

* Protective Height (mm) = Total sensor length

F3SJ-A20 Series (15 mm gap)

Model Number
(mm) *
PNP Output NPN Output
F3SJ-A0245P20 F3SJ-A0245N20 16 245
F3SJ-A0275P20 F3SJ-A0275N20 18 275
F3SJ-A0305P20 F3SJ-A0305N20 20 305
F3SJ-A0395P20 F3SJ-A0395N20 26 395
F3SJ-A0455P20 F3SJ-A0455N20 30 455
F3SJ-A0545P20 F3SJ-A0545N20 36 545
F3SJ-A0605P20 F3SJ-A0605N20 40 605
F3SJ-A0635P20 F3SJ-A0635N20 42 635
F3SJ-A0695P20 F3SJ-A0695N20 46 695
F3SJ-A0785P20 F3SJ-A0785N20 52 785
F3SJ-A0815P20 F3SJ-A0815N20 54 815
F3SJ-A0875P20 F3SJ-A0875N20 58 875
F3SJ-A0935P20 F3SJ-A0935N20 62 935
F3SJ-A1025P20 F3SJ-A1025N20 68 1,025
F3SJ-A1115P20 F3SJ-A1115N20 74 1,115
F3SJ-A1205P20 F3SJ-A1205N20 80 1,205
F3SJ-A1265P20 F3SJ-A1265N20 84 1,265
F3SJ-A1445P20 F3SJ-A1445N20 96 1,445
F3SJ-A1505P20 F3SJ-A1505N20 100 1,505

* Protective Height (mm) = Total sensor length

F3SJ-A30 Series (25 mm gap)

Model Number
(mm) *
PNP Output NPN Output
F3SJ-A0245P30 F3SJ-A0245N30 10 245
F3SJ-A0295P30 F3SJ-A0295N30 12 295
F3SJ-A0395P30 F3SJ-A0395N30 16 395
F3SJ-A0470P30 F3SJ-A0470N30 19 470
F3SJ-A0520P30 F3SJ-A0520N30 21 520
F3SJ-A0545P30 F3SJ-A0545N30 22 545
F3SJ-A0570P30 F3SJ-A0570N30 23 570
F3SJ-A0620P30 F3SJ-A0620N30 25 620
F3SJ-A0720P30 F3SJ-A0720N30 29 720
F3SJ-A0795P30 F3SJ-A0795N30 32 795
F3SJ-A0870P30 F3SJ-A0870N30 35 870
F3SJ-A0920P30 F3SJ-A0920N30 37 920
F3SJ-A0945P30 F3SJ-A0945N30 38 945
F3SJ-A0995P30 F3SJ-A0995N30 40 995
F3SJ-A1020P30 F3SJ-A1020N30 41 1,020
F3SJ-A1095P30 F3SJ-A1095N30 44 1,095
F3SJ-A1120P30 F3SJ-A1120N30 45 1,120
F3SJ-A1195P30 F3SJ-A1195N30 48 1,195
F3SJ-A1270P30 F3SJ-A1270N30 51 1,270
F3SJ-A1395P30 F3SJ-A1395N30 56 1,395
F3SJ-A1620P30 F3SJ-A1620N30 65 1,620
F3SJ-A1745P30 F3SJ-A1745N30 70 1,745
F3SJ-A1870P30 F3SJ-A1870N30 75 1,870
F3SJ-A1995P30 F3SJ-A1995N30 80 1,995
F3SJ-A2245P30 F3SJ-A2245N30 90 2,245
F3SJ-A2370P30 F3SJ-A2370N30 95 2,370
F3SJ-A2495P30 F3SJ-A2495N30 100 2,495

* Protective Height (mm) = Total sensor length

F3SJ-A55 Series (50 mm gap)

Model Number
(mm) *
PNP Output NPN Output
F3SJ-A0270P55 F3SJ-A0270N55 6 270
F3SJ-A0320P55 F3SJ-A0320N55 7 320
F3SJ-A0370P55 F3SJ-A0370N55 8 370
F3SJ-A0470P55 F3SJ-A0470N55 10 470
F3SJ-A0570P55 F3SJ-A0570N55 12 570
F3SJ-A0620P55 F3SJ-A0620N55 13 620
F3SJ-A0720P55 F3SJ-A0720N55 15 720
F3SJ-A0770P55 F3SJ-A0770N55 16 770
F3SJ-A0870P55 F3SJ-A0870N55 18 870
F3SJ-A0920P55 F3SJ-A0920N55 19 920
F3SJ-A0970P55 F3SJ-A0970N55 20 970
F3SJ-A1020P55 F3SJ-A1020N55 21 1,020
F3SJ-A1120P55 F3SJ-A1120N55 23 1,120
F3SJ-A1170P55 F3SJ-A1170N55 24 1,170
F3SJ-A1270P55 F3SJ-A1270N55 26 1,270
F3SJ-A1320P55 F3SJ-A1320N55 27 1,320
F3SJ-A1420P55 F3SJ-A1420N55 29 1,420
F3SJ-A1570P55 F3SJ-A1570N55 32 1,570
F3SJ-A1770P55 F3SJ-A1770N55 36 1,770
F3SJ-A1920P55 F3SJ-A1920N55 39 1,920
F3SJ-A2070P55 F3SJ-A2070N55 42 2,070
F3SJ-A2220P55 F3SJ-A2220N55 45 2,220
F3SJ-A2370P55 F3SJ-A2370N55 48 2,370
F3SJ-A2470P55 F3SJ-A2470N55 50 2,470

* Protective Height (mm) = Total sensor length

Accessories (Sold separately)

Single-Ended Cable (2 cables per set, one for emitter and one for receiver) *

For wiring with safety circuit such as single safety relay, safety relay unit, and safety controller

Appearance Cable length Specifications Model
f3sj-a_lu_7_1 3 m M12 connector (8-pin) F39-JD3A
7 m F39-JD7A
10 m F39-JD10A
15 m F39-JD15A
20 m F39-JD20A
* The cable for emitter and the cable for receiver are available separately. Add ‘-L’ for emitter or ‘-D’ for receiver to the end
of the model number when you order.
Single-Ended Cable for Emitter: F39-JD[]A-L, Single-Ended Cable for Receiver: F39-JD[]A-D
Note: To extend the cable length to 20 m or more, add the F39-JD[]B Double-Ended Cable.
Example: When using a cable of 30 m, connect the F39-JD10A Single-Ended Cable with the F39-JD20B Double-Ended

Double-Ended Cable (2 cables per set, one for emitter and one for receiver) *

Control unit for connection with F3SP-B1P, to extend the length under series connection (*)

Appearance Cable length Specifications Model
f3sj-a_lu_8_1 0.5 m M12 connector (8-pin) F39-JDR5B
1 m F39-JD1B
3 m F39-JD3B
5 m F39-JD5B
7 m F39-JD7B
10 m F39-JD10B
15 m F39-JD15B
20 m F39-JD20B
* The cable for emitter and the cable for receiver are available separately. Add ‘-L’ for emitter or ‘-D’ for receiver to the end
of the model number when you order.
Double-Ended Cable for Emitter: F39-JD[]B-L, Double-Ended Cable for Receiver: F39-JD[]B-D
Note: To extend the cable length to 20 m or more, use the Double-Ended Cables in combination.
Example: When using a cable of 30 m, connect the F39-JD10B Double-Ended Cable with the F39-JD20B Double-
Ended Cable.
F3SJ Series Lineup 79

Power cable (included in the main unit. 2 cables per set, one for emitter and one for receiver)

Appearance Cable Length Model
0.3 m F39-JJR3K

Note: This product is for F3SJ-A only.

Series-connection Cable (2 cables per set, for emitter and receiver)

Type Appearance Cable Length Model Application
Series connection
f3sj-a_lu_10_1 0.3 m F39-JJR3W *1 For series connection *2
When using the Water-resistant Case. *3
Side-by-side Series
connection cable
f3sj-a_lu_10_3 0.06 m F39-JJR06L *1 Dedicated cable to materialize series
connection with minimum length without
connector cable of the main sensor unit
0.15 m F39-JJR15L *1
*1. This product is for F3SJ-A only.
*2. For series connection with minimum length, use F39-JJR06L or F39-JJR15L.
*3. When using the F39-EJ[][][][]-L/D Water-resistant Case in series connection configurations, use the special series
connection cables for the Water-resistant Case.
Refer to Catalog for details.
Note: The Double-Ended Cable (up to 15 m: F39-JD15B) can be added to extend the cable length between the series-
connected sensors.
Cable length between sensors: 15 m max. (not including series connection cable (F39-JJR3W or F39-JJR[]L) and
power cable)
F3SJ Series Lineup 83

Simple wiring connector system (Order the F39-CN5 and Cables for Simple Wiring.)

Simple wiring connector

Appearance Model Application
F39-CN5 To reduce wiring
F3SJ Series Lineup 86

Cable for simple wiring * (2 cables per set, one double-ended cable and one single-ended cable)

Appearance Contents Cable length Model
f3sj-b_lu_17_1 Double-Ended Cable F39-JD3B-L 3 m F39-JD0303BA
Single-Ended Cable F39-JD3A-D 3 m
Double-Ended Cable F39-JD3B-L 3 m F39-JD0307BA
Single-Ended Cable F39-JD7A-D 7 m
Double-Ended Cable F39-JD3B-L 3 m F39-JD0310BA
Single-Ended Cable F39-JD10A-D 10 m
Double-Ended Cable F39-JD5B-L 5 m F39-JD0503BA
Single-Ended Cable F39-JD3A-D 3 m
Double-Ended Cable F39-JD5B-L 5 m F39-JD0507BA
Single-Ended Cable F39-JD7A-D 7 m
Double-Ended Cable F39-JD5B-L 5 m F39-JD0510BA
Single-Ended Cable F39-JD10A-D 10 m
Double-Ended Cable F39-JD10B-L 10 m F39-JD1003BA
Single-Ended Cable F39-JD3A-D 3 m
Double-Ended Cable F39-JD10B-L 10 m F39-JD1007BA
Single-Ended Cable F39-JD7A-D 7 m
Double-Ended Cable F39-JD10B-L 10 m F39-JD1010BA
Single-Ended Cable F39-JD10A-D 10 m
Note: A double-ended cable and single-ended cable with other cable lengths than those listed above can also be used in
Please contact your OMRON sales representative for details.
* Although the double-ended cable for the emitter is used for the emitter in the above figure, it can also be used for the


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