E5EWL-Q1TC Điều khiển nhiệt độ giá rẻ Omron


Giao hàng COD toàn quốc

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Can nhiệt loại Pt100 dài 20cm, đường kính D=6.3mm

Đầu đo SUS316. Dải nhiệt 0-400oC

Mã đặt hàng: E52MY-PT20C D6.3MM SUS316

Mô Tả Sản Phẩm


Điều khiển nhiệt độ giá rẻ Omron

The Simple and New Temperature Controller is Released that Easily Achieves the Temperature Control.

• Easy to Read (Character Height E5CSL: 21.7 mm, E5CWL: 16.2 mm (PV), E5EWL: 20 mm (PV)).

• Depth beyond front panel: Only 60 mm.

• Fewer parameters for simple setup.

• Faster sampling at 250 ms


Size Power supply
Input type Alarm output Control output Model
1/16 DIN
48 × 48 × 60
(W × H × D)
100 to 240 VAC Thermocouple None Relay output E5CSL-RTC
Resistance thermometer E5CSL-RP
Thermocouple Voltage output
(for driving SSR)
Resistance thermometer E5CSL-QP


Size Power supply
Input type Alarm
Control output New model
1/16 DIN
48 × 48 × 60
(W × H × D)
100 to 240 VAC Thermocouple 1 Relay output E5CWL-R1TC
Resistance thermometer E5CWL-R1P
Thermocouple Voltage output
(for driving SSR)
Resistance thermometer E5CWL-Q1P


Size Power supply
Input type Alarm
Control output New model
1/8 DIN
48 × 96 × 60
(W × H × D)
100 to 240 VAC Thermocouple 1 Relay output E5EWL-R1TC
Resistance thermometer E5EWL-R1P
Thermocouple Voltage output
(for driving SSR)
Resistance thermometer E5EWL-Q1P

Accessories (Order Separately)

Terminal Cover

Model E53-COV19

Front Panel (for E5CSL/E5CWL)

Model E53-COV20
Note: 1. This Front Panel accessory is required to attach the Y92A-48B or Y92A-48D.
2. This Front Panel accessory is only the frame.
It does not include the plastic cover.


Model Remarks
Y92F-45 Use this Adapter when the Front Panel has already been prepared for the E5B[].
Only black is available.
Order separately.
Y92F-49 Use for E5CSL/E5CWL only.
Provided with E5CSL/E5CWL.
Y92F-51 Use for E5EWL only.
Provided with E5EWL.


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