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6AV2 123-2MA03-0AX0


SIMATIC HMI, KTP1200 Basic DP, Basic Panel, Key/touch operation, 12″ TFT display, 65536 colors, PROFIBUS interface, configurable as of WinCC Basic V13/ STEP 7 Basic V13, contains open-source software, which is provided free of charge see enclosed CD

Article Number (Market Facing Number) 6AV2123-2MA03-0AX0
Product Description SIMATIC HMI, KTP1200 Basic DP, Basic Panel, Key/touch operation, 12″ TFT display, 65536 colors, PROFIBUS interface, configurable as of WinCC Basic V13/ STEP 7 Basic V13, contains open-source software, which is provided free of charge see enclosed CD
Product family Ordering Data Overview
Product Lifecycle (PLM) PM300:Active Product
Price data
Price Group
List Price Show prices
Customer Price Show prices
Surcharge for Raw Materials None
Metal Factor None
Delivery information
Export Control Regulations AL : N / ECCN : EAR99H
Standard lead time ex-works 1 Day/Days
Net Weight (kg) 2,17 Kg
Product Dimensions (W x L x H) Not available
Packaging Dimension 29,90 x 39,80 x 9,10
Package size unit of measure CM
Quantity Unit 1 Piece
Packaging Quantity 1
Additional Product Information
EAN 4034106029258
UPC 887621893880
Commodity Code 85371098
LKZ_FDB/ CatalogID ST80.1J
Product Group 2262
Country of origin China
Compliance with the substance restrictions according to RoHS directive Since: 05.09.2014
Product class A: Standard product which is a stock item could be returned within the returns guidelines/period.
WEEE (2012/19/EU) Take-Back Obligation Yes
REACH Art. 33 Duty of Information
Version Classification
eClass 5.1 27-24-23-02
eClass 6 27-24-23-02
eClass 7.1 27-24-23-02
eClass 8 27-24-23-02
eClass 9 27-33-02-01
eClass 9.1 27-33-02-01
ETIM 4 EC001412
ETIM 5 EC001412
ETIM 6 EC001412
ETIM 7 EC001412
IDEA 4 6607
UNSPSC 15 43-21-15-06



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